Shafik is a 1 year and 3 months old boy from Kinyaki village, Aliribu parish in Lobule sub-county. The mother, Shakira brought the child to the health facility after hearing from other mothers about the Nutrition programme AFOD is implementing at the Health facilities on Targeted Supplementary Feeding for children below two years and MCHN for all pregnant lactating women and all Non-Pregnant-adolescents with body mass index less than (<18).
At the health facility, Shafik was screened and found to be moderately malnourished with a MUAC of 12 cm, weight of 6 kgs and a z-score of less than -2.
He was enrolled on the supplementary feeding programme on 18th January 2018. After 4 months of growth monitoring, there was little improvement, the MUAC kept fluctuating and Shafik progressed to severe acute malnutrition. This prompted the M&E assistant, infant young child feeding officer (IYCF), nutrition assistant and the VHT of the area to conduct an impromptu visit to their home.
It was discovered that, there was insufficient food at home which made them share the porridge (CSB+) meant for the boy coupled with poor hygiene which caused the boy frequent diarrhoea. He was thus started on ready to use supplementary food, the mother was educated on good hygiene practices with emphasis on; covering the latrine at all times, washing hands after visiting the latrine, washing hands before and after meals and to grow vegetables to supplement their diet.
Both parents were advised to keep massaging Shafik’s left leg to enable him walk properly. By June 2018, the child’s MUAC was above 12.5 cm and the z-score greater than 2; his condition improved and he was enrolled on MCHN. In the subsequent growth monitoring visits, the mother was advised to let the boy use wooden roller to enable him learn how to walk, she was also advised to always visit the health facility for antenatal care and safe deliveries. Below is Shafik on a wooden roller