This Annual Report covers progress on AFOD Programme pathways for the financial year October
2018-September 2019. In line with AFOD’s mission and core mandate to work with the rural poor,
marginalized and vulnerable communities to improve their social economic status and quality of life.
AFOD has implemented interventions with support from; WFP and IDI/CDC reaching out to some
of the most hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations in West Nile Region. In doing so, and in close
collaboration with government and partners, AFOD helps build the resilience of health systems,
Nutrition, food security and livelihood, WASH and environmental conservation and sustainability
through innovative initiatives. The development results of AFOD’s partnerships are significant, not
only in terms of health and livelihood outcomes but also for their direct impact on the ability of
individuals to live fuller and more productive lives, expand choices and generating broader socio-economic benefits for both the host and refugee communities in West Nile region
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