Nutrition, Food Security And Livelihood

The South Sudan crisis that started in July 2016 has forced thousands of refugees mainly from the Equatorial region to leave their homes and crossed to the neighboring districts of Uganda as refugees. Koboko district is now home to over 9,000 refugees of the total 825,000 South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda (UNHCR update of March 2017), majority of who are women and children (estimated over 80%).

AFOD-Uganda is implementing a Maternal Child health and Nutrition(MCHN) and Targeted supplementary feeding Program (TSFP) in Koboko District, this project is funded by World food program (WFP). Implementation started in June 2017 and ending in June 2018 but already enormous progress has been made. Total beneficiaries targeted include; an estimated 706 refugees; 606 pregnant and lactating women and children from 6 to 24 months attending antenatal, post-natal and young child clinics within the settlement.


  • Improved nutrition and food security status of food insecure population in Uganda.

Strategic Objectives

  • To improve management and prevention of malnutrition among PLWs/U5s and adolescents.
  • To improve HHs production, productivity and reduction of post-harvest losses
  • To improve access to emergency food assistance for conflict affected population in settlements.
  • To enhance resilience of refugees and host households to attain sustainable livelihoods.
  • To increase access to, demand for and uptake of nutrition, food security and livelihood services for children, women and other targeted persons in the districts of focus.

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